Joy In the Journey
MRC's Women's Ministry is design to help meet the spiritual needs of the women of our church and cultivate a spirit of unity. We want to empower women to seek a higher level of spiritual maturity in Christ through knowledge of biblical principles and doctrine. To equip women for service within the Church, and to provide instruction and teaching regarding the Christian woman's responsibility according to the principles found in Titus 2:3-5. We are constantly pursuing an atmosphere that fosters fellowship, support, encouragement and unity amongst the women of MRC.

Mountain Men Ministry
Men’s ministry is to prepare Christian men to assume the roles God created them to fulfill. The aim is to equip men to be spiritual leaders in their home, the church and throughout their communities. The ultimate objective is to “present every man perfect in Christ Jesus” (Col 1:28).

Mountain Movers Youth Ministry
Our youth ministry is run by Brittany Stambaugh, Jon and Priscilla Clearfield and Linda Catir. They want to give your kids a solid Biblical foundation through fun activities and relatable Bible lessons. Their goal is to make sure that your kids not only know about Jesus but that they hunger for a knowledge of God's Word.